Below you'll find some of our most recent projects. Each one of these projects was an opportunity to hear our client's needs, build a relationship, deliver on their needs, and back up our work with responsive service.
## / Clifton Jones Theater
The Clifton Jones theater presented a few major challenges as Lodestar Labs set out to complete a retrofit of the small intimate theater. Most important of these: we faced an incredibly tight timeline of just two weeks. The old system could not be decommissioned until one show completed its run, and the new system was needed for tech rehearsals for the next show.
The client needed incredible speech intelligibility and gain before feedback in the audio system. Rigging would be very difficult, as there was an extensive custom sloped drop ceiling 10' from the high steel and the PA would need to be positioned very precisely in that space for optimum coverage.
​The lighting system called for replacement of a conventional tungsten lighting grid and an aging house lighting system with an all-LED house system and LED and LED Moving light instrument package for the stage – and all of this in a space that didn't support standard lifts. Additionally, the project required major power system and signal path retrofit throughout.
​​Despite the challenges, our team had the experience and creativity to tackle the monumental project and razor-thin timeline. Through the use of atrium lifts, considerable preparation, and the team's commitment to work off hours, the project came together just in time for the rehearsals of a play that would go on to win technical awards for lighting design.

## / TPC @ Sugarloaf
The pro's club at Sugarloaf takes the comfort and service of its members extremely seriously, so when they decided to expand their facility and retrofit existing spaces they placed a high emphasis on quality, ease of use, and innovation.
The TPC team asked for centralized control systems for the entire facilities' audio, user lockout to prevent guests from changing volume levels, auto volume leveling and adjustment in events spaces, as well as multiple source availability in each space.
LSL took the challenge seriously and delivered.
To change the existing cobbled together mass of consumer grade parts into a professional commercial grade audio installation required significant effort in pulling new cable, tracing existing paths and finding creative places to house equipment.
LSL created a system that sent audio from various sources between all major events spaces, used in space microphones to auto regulate volume when events caused ambient noise levels to rise and fall significantly, and installed premium mid sized speakers through out the entire space - filling it with full range, powerful sound.
Additionally LSL tuned each individual zone with its own DSP processing which coupled with the system design helped provide very precise level and source control throughout the facility, giving every space the custom experience it deserves.
32x JBL Control 226 Speakers
2x BSS Blu 100's
3x Contrio EC-8BV Controllers
2x AKG CBL 201 Microphones
3x Crown DCI 4 300N Amplifiers
Custom programed auto volume mode(can turn on/off in each space as needed) raises and lowers ambient music volume depending on loudness of ambient speech/noise
Can send sources from any event space to all others.
Integrates SONOS systems, traditional 1/8" jacks, TV/Cable Boxes, Event Space Mixers as selectable sources in all zones.
Overcome Challenges
Improper existing cabling
Low levels of cable pull access
No extra space for equipment placement

## /The Long Forum
The Long Forum is a multi purpose facility that hosts anything from concerts, to sporting events, even worship services and student gatherings.It was equipped with an aging DSP and PA system that was consistently failing the Forum technical team at the worst moments.
LSL stepped in to provide a multi function PA system that could well meet the needs of each unique event.
ILSL advocated for the Alcons Audio system for the preferred PA in the venue as it uses ribbon driver technology and integrated DSP to provide incredible clarity, long throws, controlled full range bass, high precision of coverage and very low levels of off axis projection. In a gym type environment wave fronts can fade quickly into reverberance, smearing time of arrival and transient response as well as dulling frequency response. Additionally low end can begin to pile up creating a boomy dull response. With the Alcons system and deft system tuning by Philip Peglow, the system performs incredibly well despite the serious acoustic challenges.
18x Alcons LR18 Mid Size Line Array
4x Alcons BC552 Cardioid Sub
7x Alcons RR12 Horizontal Array
7x Alcons Sentinel 10 Amplifier
Midas Pro 2
Midas DL 231 Stage Box
Midas DL 153 Stage Box
KT DN9650 Interface
2x BSS Blue 806 DSP
2x BSS Contrio EC-8BV Controllers
Custom Panels
Custom Plates
Dual Zone System designed to alternate between concert mode and public address.
Incredible coverage and impact with less boxes of PA (from 12 boxes per side of old system to 9 boxes per side with front fills in new system) and less boxes of sub. (Went from 20x subs with old system to 4x subs with new and had improved coverage and 20db more headroom.)
Tied control room environment into main PA DSP to increase signal flexibility and system simplicity
Overcome Challenges
Little to no labelling of existing cabling and conduit paths.
Low levels of cable pull access
Difficult install window

## /Custom 4K Video Flypack
A live events production company approached LSL about creating a full 4K Flypack that had it all. It had to be affordable (as most live events customers aren't interested in paying for a broadcast studio on their live event) it needed to be fully 12G compatible through and thought - from cabling to patch panel, from router to SDI converters.
It needed to be able to handle almost anything that could be thrown at it: multi camera shoots, web streams, recorded shoots, signal distribution, complex audio routing, networking, and even IP matrix com. So LSL worked closely with the client to provide a system that exactly matched specifications and could deploy or pack up in a literal 2 minutes.
What they ended up with is truly an impressive system - a densely packed rack every inch of space filled with as much functionality as possible. It's so functional that we keep hearing back on the ways that the system surprises with its flexibility and power.
Lodestar is truly proud of the way this system performs day in and day out through the toughest truck packs, smallest setup footprints, and most difficult venues
Blackmagic ATEM 4M/E Switcher
Blackmagic ATEM 1M/E Control Panel
Blackmagic 40x40 12G Router
Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4K
2x Blackmagic Smartview 4K
Blackmagic Smartscope 4K Duo
Apple Mac Mini engineering computer
Atomos Shogun Studio Recorder
Misc Teranex 4K SDI/HDMI Converters
Behringer X32 Rack
2x Behringer P16 Individual Monitor Mixers
Green Go IP Matrix Com Director Station MCXD
Green Go IP Matrix Com Engineers Station MCX
GreenGo Interface-X 2Wire and 4Wire Interface
Ubiquity Switches , Gateways, and AP's
APC Smart UPS 1500
Sony 4K Television
Tannoy Audio Monitors
Completely 4K /12G capable
Custom color coded patch panel
Custom shock mounting solution
Deploys in minutes
High ease of maintenance
Overcome Challenges
Extremely precise rack specifications
Needed extreme attention to detail to maximize build space and function
Needed precise requirements for ventilation and temperature control due to density.

## / Artusa Hall
One of our favorite projects Lodestar has ever done was a construction renovation
project featuring DIRT heavy timber systems.
LSL had to work around a constantly evolving schedule with multiple subs and an integrate with an innovative computer cut heavy timber system throughout the facility. They also faced the challenge of a low load bearing floor. LSL had to incorporate the use of atrium lifts, and difficult conduit routing to get access to all of the areas needed.
As the design phase began LSL wanted to create a system that was incredibly flexible as the use of the space had not been fully fleshed out during design and even the build process.
To that end they incorporated DeSisti motorized battens with power and data for the lighting system. That system had to be perfectly coordinated with the acoustic cloud system so that everything could fit precisely together and accommodate the moving track system.
Additionally LSL selected the Alcons Audio LR7 micro line array system to provide an incredibly clean look, while also covering the beautiful 1000 seat performance hall beautifully front to back. They added BC332 subwoofers to the stage floor for use when program material required heavy impact bass.
4x BSS Contrio EC-8BV
Shure ULXD
12x Alcons Audio LR7
4x Alcons Audio LR7B
4x Alcons Audio VR12 Monitors
2x Alcons Audio BC332 Subs
4x Alcons Sentinel 10 Amplifiers
Summit AVB Switch
Chauvet NetX
Custom FOH Furniture
Flexible Routing System
Motorized Rigging with Signal/Power
Recessed Projection Screens
Motorized Curtain Control
Integrated System control using Crestron
Overcome Challenges
Incredibly demanding construction schedule
Consistent off hours work required
Complicated rigging and custom steel fabrication required
Light duty floor required exclusive use of atrium lifts for all work
Constantly changing work environment as regards to which subs were working on which pieces of the project.
Extremely complicated drawing and design coordination.

## /Red Door Homes
Red Door Homes contacted Lodestar with an ambitious digital signage project. They had three sites at which they planned to build sales centers for their custom home construction business. They needed to synchronize their messaging across all three sales centers - each of which had close to 20 displays. They also needed the ability to have a 3rd party design firm update content frequently, have a user transparent workflow, integrate other applications into the system, have reliable uptime, and of course - keep the project to a reasonable budget.
Lodestar's solution was to use customized signage devices running software from our preferred signage partner: ScreenCloud. With almost every display getting their own player, and a giant 4 screen matrix with its own 4K player, Red Door Homes was able to create an incredible visual journey for their clients as well as display timely sales promotions.
Other integrations offered by the signage solution included adding each office's calendar to a vertical display - giving staff and clients a clear visual of what the day's sales and selection appointments looked like. In some sales centers they incorporated a large touch screen monitor to allow clients to build their home digitally right in the office. The entire system can be maintained and updated almost entirely remotely at no detriment to the office staff or end clients.
The signage system LSL delivered has continued to provide great value as a sales tool and cost savings versus traditional media in all of the Red Door locations.
70x Philips Commercial TVs
1x Touch Screen TV
40x Power Control Modules
40x Customized Signage Players
Partner Signage Software
3x Blackmagic 12G Quad
3x Blackmagic 12G HDMI to SDI
12x Blackmagic SDI to HDMI Mini
3x Ubiquity 24 Port Switches
6x Ubiquity AP's
3x Smart UPS
Complete remote management
Individual screen source control
High level of network security
Integrate calendar, website and other existing customer platforms
Large 4 screen matrix display
Overcome Challenges
Coordination across three separate locations.
Two new constructions and one retrofit
Remote management and service required for individual displays
Coordination with 3rd party network provider and 3rd party design firm.
Evolving client needs through project phases.